About us

We are a friend­ly bunch of like mind­ed indi­vid­u­als inter­est­ed in get­ting out more

We have a num­ber of groups which cater for begin­ners all the way through to those wish­ing to com­pete in marathons and fell races.

We meet every Tues­day evening at 6.50 (for 7.00 start) at the Brig­house Sports Club on Brad­ford Road in Brig­house West Yorkshire.

Our first group just walks, no run­ning, so if you fan­cy get­ting out for an evening walk and a chit-chat, then just pop along.

Our sec­ond group does the run-walk thing, vary­ing the time between run­ning to suit all peo­ple not sure what they are capa­ble of, the faster ones will loop-back to make sure all is well and no one gets left behind.

Our third group aims to jog at a more con­tin­u­al pace, look­ing to improve those who are still begin­ners and look­ing to improve.

Our fourth and fifth groups are that lit­tle bit faster and go that lit­tle bit fur­ther, but not so much that you can’t keep up, we have stops to re-group and like the oth­er groups loop-back to enable us to help each other.

We charge an annu­al fee of £25.00 which goes towards our insur­ance, access to the clubs facil­i­ties and train­ing of run leaders.

Your Committee

John Whittington

Bev Green

Mark Nicholl

Helen Dobson

Laura Burchill

Viki Bee Clarke